Higlighting outstanding academic work
DEUTZ Greenfield Award
At DEUTZ AG, we seek and support young talents, who want to shape a more sustainable future through innovation and creativity. With our DEUTZ Greenfield Award we are offering a platform to highlight outstanding academic work and exceptional ideas.
Since its foundation in 1864, DEUTZ has stood for pioneering technologies and, as the inventor of the four-stroke principle, has played a key role in shaping the industrial world for 160 years. With our long history of technological innovation and advancement, we want to offer young, dedicated talent a platform that not only paves the way for the next generation, but also actively contributes to overcoming the challenges of tomorrow. We firmly believe that promoting research and development in the field of low-emission drive solutions in the off-highway sector is crucial to creating a sustainable future and breaking new ground.
With our DEUTZ Greenfield Award, we offer a pecial platform and recognition for academic work and also reward it with attractive cash prizes. A total of over 10,000 euros is up for grabs. In addition, all award winners will be honored at the renowned Kongress #neuland in Aachen.
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