The Supervisory Board of
The current Supervisory Board of DEUTZ AG, chaired by Dr. Dietmar Voggenreiter, has twelve members and is composed of an equal number of shareholder representatives and employee representatives.
The term of office of the Supervisory Board is five years; re-election is permitted. Its main tasks involve monitoring the activities of the Executive Board, appointing the Board of Management, and approving important corporate plans and decisions.
The Supervisory Board
The term of office of the Supervisory Board is five years; re-election is permitted. Its main tasks involve monitoring the activities of the Executive Board, appointing the Board of Management, and approving important corporate plans and decisions.
Dr. Dietmar Voggenreiter
Supervisory Board Chairman
Shareholder representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 30 April 2019, Supervisory Board Chairman since February 12, 2022, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Resident in Ingolstadt, management consultant, Horváth & Partners Automotive Competence Center, Munich, former member of the Board of Management with responsibility for marketing and sales at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt

Personal information
Date of birth: 4 January 1969
Place of birth: Schwäbisch Hall, Germany
Studied business administration with a focus on technology at the University of Stuttgart
Degree: postgraduate degree in business administration (Diplom-Kaufmann) with a focus on technology
Doctorate (Dr rer.pol.) from the University of Stuttgart
Career history
Senior consultant at Horváth & Partners GmbH, Stuttgart
Principal and authorised signatory (Prokurist) at Horváth & Partner AG, Zurich, Switzerland; from 2000 also Head of the Automotive Industries Competence Center, Horváth & Partner, for Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH region)
Head of Corporate Controlling at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
Head of Corporate Strategy at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
Head of Business in China at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
President of AUDI CHINA Enterprise Mgmt. Co. Ltd., Beijing, PR China; from 2013: also Executive Vice President for China at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
Member of the Board of Management with responsibility for marketing and sales at AUDI AG, Ingolstadt
Since 2018
Senior advisor at Horváth & Partners Automotive Competence Center, Munich
Summary of relevant activities alongside the Supervisory Board membership:
Dr Dietmar Voggenreiter’s main occupation is management consultant.

Sabine Beutert
Employee representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 30 April 2013, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Trade Union Secretary, IG Metall Administrative Office, Cologne-Leverkusen, Cologne, Germany, resident in Cologne
Personal information
Date of birth: 7 December 1959
Place of birth: Miltenberg, Germany
Studied economics at Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
Degree: ‘Diplom’ (postgraduate-level degree) in Economics
Post-graduate studies in computer science, Marburg
Career history
Neckermann Versand AG, Frankfurt, Germany
Marketing planner/customer information systems
Technology advisory service of the Confederation of German Trade Unions (North Rhine-Westphalia), with the following functions:
Advisor, Head of Training, Head of Labour and Economics, and member and Chair of the Works Council
Trade union representative of the ver.di trade union on the Supervisory Board of Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG
IG Metall Cologne-Leverkusen branch, Cologne
Trade union secretary
Trade union representative on the Supervisory Board of DEUTZ AG
Dr. Fabian Dietrich
Employee representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 26 April 2018, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Senior Vice President Legal at DEUTZ AG, Cologne, Germany, resident in Bonn, Germany

Personal information
Date of birth: 10 June 1978
Place of birth: Karlsruhe, Germany
Studied law at the University of Bonn
Degree: doctorate in law (Dr jur) from the University of Bonn
Career history
Lawyer with the international law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Cologne, spending almost a year at the firm’s Brussels office and ten months on secondment in the legal affairs department of an international energy company
Corporate lawyer at DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Corporate lawyer and General Counsel at DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Senior managers’ representative on the Supervisory Board, DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Chairman of the Senior Managers Committee of DEUTZ AG, Cologne

Helmut Ernst
Shareholder representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 27 April 2023, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Resident in Burgwald, self-employed management consultant, former Senior Vice President ZF Division Aftermarket & Global Executive Team ZF AG, Schweinfurt & Friedrichshafen
Personal information
Date of birth: March 1, 1960
Place of birth: Frankenberg/Eder
University of Giessen
Degree: Engineering
Career History
1985 – 1991
Head of Operations, Continental plant Korbach
1990 – 1992
Production Manager, Bicycle Tires and Tubes, Vehicle Replacement Tires, Continental Korbach Plant
1992 – 1996
Managing Director JV, Continental/Vittoria Tyres Thailand
1996 – 2001
Key Account Management ASIA, 2-Wheel Tires Continental, Bangkok/Thailand
2001 – 2006
Business Unit Manager 2-Wheel Tires Continental, Korbach
2006 – 2014
Vice President Independent Aftermarket and Managing Director, Continental Aftermarket GmbH, Frankfurt
2014 – 2021
Senior Vice President ZF Division
Aftermarket & Global Executive Team ZF AG, Schweinfurt & Friedrichshafen
Since 2022
Self-employed management consultant
Overview of significant activities in addition to the Supervisory Board mandate:
Mr. Helmut Ernst works full-time as an independent management consultant.
Melanie Freytag
Shareholder representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 27 April 2023, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Resident in Frankfurt am Main,
Formerly Chief Financial Officer, Interzero Group, Berlin

Personal information
Date of birth: February 16, 1975
Place of birth: Essen
Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium
Degree: MA (DES), Financial Economics
University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom
Degree: BA (Hons), European Economics with Econometrics
Université de la Réunion, France
Degree: BA (Lic.), Finance and International Economics
Career History
Consultant / Assistant Manager at KPMG,
Frankfurt am Main
Project Manager / Vice President in the area of European Business Development and Finance at Winterthur Insurance, Wiesbaden
Senior Project Manager, Corporate Department Mergers & Acquisitions, ThyssenKrupp Services, Düsseldorf
Chief Financial Officer, thyssenKrupp Xervon Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden
Chief Financial Officer, thyssenkrupp Elevator, Regional Center RUESA (Russia, Eastern Countries, Switzerland, Austria), Vienna, Austria
Chief Financial Officer, Coperion, Stuttgart
Chief Financial Officer, Klöckner Metals France, Paris, France
Head of Corporate Controlling & Development / Mergers & Acquisitions, Klöckner & Co, Duisburg
2020 - 2024
Chief Financial Officer, Alba Services / Interzero Group, Berlin

Patricia Geibel-Conrad
Shareholder representatives
Independent financial expert - Chairwomen of the Audit Committee
Member of the Supervisory Board since 26 April 2018, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Director of her own audit/tax advice business, management consultant, resident in Hamburg, Germany
Personal information
Date of birth: 15 January 1962
Place of birth: Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Grew up in Asunción, Paraguay (South America) – completed a baccalaureate in humanities and sciences; obtained a German university entrance qualification (Abitur) in Hamburg, Germany
Studied business economics at Goethe University Frankfurt and at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart
Degree: ‘Diplom’ (postgraduate-level degree) in Business Economics
Career history
1987 - 1994
Auditing assistant/senior consultant at Dr. Lipfert GmbH, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft/Steuerberatungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart
Qualified as a tax advisor
Qualified as an auditor
1995 - 1998
Director of own audit and management consultancy business, cooperating with KPMG, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1998 - 2001
Moved abroad to Mexico City, Mexico
2001 - 2015
Engagement leader and authorized signatory (Prokuristin) in Audit & Assurance at PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart
2015 - 2022
Member of the Supervisory Board and of the Audit Committee of HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft, Essen (publicly listed)
2016 - 2018
Supported the Climate Governance Initiative of the World Economic Forum in Davos with the development of the Principles for Effective Climate Governance
2018 - 2023
Member of the Supervisory Board, chairwoman of the Audit Committee, and member of the Nominations Committee of CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA, Oldenburg (publicly listed)
2022 - 2023
Deputy chairwomen of the Supervisory Board and chairwomen of the Audit Committee of NEMETSCHEK SE, Munich (publicly listed)
Since 2015
Director of own audit, tax advice, and management consultancy business in Hamburg
Since 2020
Honorary member of the Advisory Board and the Thematic Committee of FEA – Financial Experts Association e.V., Berlin
Since 2025
Member of the Supervisory Board and Chairwoman of the Audit Committee of MEYER-WERFT GmbH, Papenburg
Summary of relevant activities alongside the Supervisory Board membership:
Ms. Patricia Geibel-Conrad is a certified auditor and acts as an independent supervisory board member and operates her own audit and management consultancy business.
Ismail-Hilmi Kocer
Employee representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since June 14, 2023, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Chairman of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm, resident in Erbach, Germany

Personal information
Date of birth: December 30, 1982
Place of birth: Ulm, Germany
Apprenticeship as an automotive electrician
Career history
2004 – 2006
Management of the gastronomic family business
2006 – 2019
Employee on the 91X series, and temporary activity in the DPS team, DEUTZ AG, Ulm
2014 – 2018
Member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm
2019 – 2022
Deputy Chairman of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm
2022 – today
Chairman of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG at the plant in Ulm
Employee representative on the Supervisory Board of DEUTZ AG, Cologne

Gottfried Laengert
Employee representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since June 14, 2023, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG, Cologne, resident in Cologne, Germany
Personal information
Date of birth: July 3, 1967
Place of birth: Cologne, Germany
Apprenticeship as plasterer
Professional career
Employee at Autohaus Fleischhauer Audi/VW, Cologne
Employee in the assembly department, Klöckner-Humboldt-DEUTZ (today DEUTZ AG), Cologne
Employee in the test field; qualification in the field of engine technology and test processes in shift work, DEUTZ AG, Cologne
2018 – today
Member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Committee work: personnel, time management, REFA / MTM, family and career, works committee
Employee representative on the Supervisory Board of DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Maier
Shareholder representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 7 October 2020, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Freelance management consultant, former Executive Vice President of Bosch Diesel Systems, Stuttgart, with responsibilities for research and development as well as for the business unit injection systems for commercial vehicles and off road, resident in Stuttgart.

Personal information
Date of birth: 17 October 1957
Place of birth: Schönau
Studied mechanical engineering at the University of Stuttgart, specialising in control systems and thermal turbomachinery
Degree: Doctorate in Engineering (Dr Ing) from the University of Stuttgart
Career history
Bosch Diesel Systems, group leader, measurement technology and tolerance issues
Bosch Diesel Systems, group leader/head of department, development of distributor injection pumps
Bosch Diesel Systems, system area manager, time-controlled single pump systems
Bosch Diesel Systems, business unit manager, injection systems for commercial vehicles
General Manager of Bosch Automotive Diesel Systems Co. Ltd, Wuxi, China
Executive Vice President of Bosch Diesel Systems with responsibility for development
Executive Vice President of Bosch Diesel Systems with responsibility for the business unit injection systems for commercial vehicles & off road
Since 2018
Freelance management consultant
Supervisory Board Chairman of Bosch Engineering GmbH, Abstatt, Germany (until December 2023)
Supervisory Board Chairman of ITK Engineering GmbH, Rülzheim, Germany (until December 2023)
Vice Chairman Weifu High Technology Group, Wuxi, China (until May 2021)
Summary of relevant activities alongside the Supervisory Board membership:
Dr Ing Rudolf Maier works mainly as a freelance management consultant.

Bernd Maierhofer
Shareholder representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 27 April 2023, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Resident in Munich, self-employed management consultant, former CTO der MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Personal information
Date of birth: May 5, 1960
Place of birth: Munich
Technical University of Munich, Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Intermediate diploma
HM University of Applied Sciences Munich, Electrical Engineering
Degree: Diploma
Career History
1992 – 1998
Engineer, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
1999 – 2006
Head of Department, Electronic Systems, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
2006 – 2008
Managing Director of the Heavy Trucks Business Unit, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
2008 – 2015
Management Board member responsible for Strategy & Portfolio Development, Research & Development Trucks, Buses, Powertrains (CTO) (from 2009) and Purchasing (from 2010), MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG
Since 2016
Self-employed management consultant
Overview of significant activities in addition to the Supervisory Board mandate:
Mr. Bernd Maierhofer currently performs his duties as a member of the Supervisory Board of VOSS Automotive GmbH, Wipperfürth, in addition to his full-time occupation as an independent management consultant.
Katja Olligschläger
Employee representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 24 July 2023, appointed until the Annual General Meeting 2028
Member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG, Cologne, resident in Cologne, Germany

Personal information
Date of birth: March 13, 1966
Place of birth: Cologne
1984 Apprenticeship as office clerk at Klöckner-Humboldt-DEUTZ (today DEUTZ AG), Cologne
Professional career
1987 – 2016
Clerk in Order Management Spare Parts, DEUTZ AG, Cologne
2016 – Today
Released member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Focus: Human resources, digitalization and data protection
Other committees: Health management, occupational health and safety committee, appeals committee for appeals on performance appraisal and grouping
Since 2023
Employee representative on the Supervisory Board of DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Hans-Jörg Schaller
Employee representatives
Member of the Supervisory Board since 14 June 2023, elected until the Annual General Meeting 2028
- More information to follow -
Personal information
Date of birth 13. March 1960
Place of birth: Stuttgart
1990 University of Stuttgart, Process Engineering
Degree: Diplom-Ingenieur
2000 University of Hagen, Patent Law
Degree: Law for patent attorneys and patent attorneys
2023 University of Strasbourg, LL.M. IP Law and IP Management
Degree: European Patent Attorney
Professional career
1984 – 1989
Programmer and apprentice supervisor, E. Hauser, Vaihingen/Enz
1990 – 1991
Research assistant, Institute for Textile and Process Engineering, Denkendorf
1991 - 1997
Patent engineer, Mann + Hummel, Ludwigsburg
1997 - 1999
Head of patent department, Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Baader GmbH and Co. KG, Lübeck
2000 - 2003
Head of Patent Department, Schuler Pressen GmbH, Göppingen
2003 - 2004
Head of Patent Department, M4M GmbH, Berlin
2005 - 2006
Head of Patent Department, Nanoferenz GmbH, Berlin
2006 - 2009
Head of Patent Department, BERU AG (now BorgWarner Ludwigsburg GmbH), Ludwigsburg
2009 - 2021
Head of Patent & Brand Department, DEUTZ AG, Cologne
2021 - 2022
Manager Standardization, DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Since 2018
Member of the Works Council of DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Committee work: Non-tariff employees, collective wage agreement, health management
Since 2023
Employee representative on the Supervisory Board of DEUTZ AG, Cologne
Summary of relevant activities alongside the Supervisory Board Membership:
Mr. Hans-Jörg Schaller works avocationally as Managing Director of Fucking Hell GmbH, Berlin.